
Turiya Mahalakshmi Narayana Taila



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Turiya Mahalakshmi Narayana Taila is an extensive Ayurvedic polyherbal cannabis based formulation with over 230 herbs that improves the quality of life of those who suffer from chronic diseases. It is a very potent medicine that can help the body to achieve homeostasis (internal physical and chemical equilibrium) thereby setting it on the quickest path to self-healing. This taila can be also be used to address chronic pain which is of physiological origin.

Turiya Mahalakshmi Narayana Taila is a powerful remedy for chronic diseases. It addresses diseases of Vata origin especially for pain in tissue elements, prolapse of lumbo-sacral region, stiffness of thigh muscles, neck rigidity, impairment/dysfunction of lower limbs, etc. It also promotes longevity, youthfulness and provides relief from emaciation, difficulty in swallowing food items, etc. It can induce apoptosis and prevent proliferation of harmful cells.

Mahalakshminarayana Taila can help with the Reticular Activating System (RAS) which has the unique phenomenon of selectively deactivating traumatic memories. The EndoCannabinoid System is able to activate the immune system to locate and destroy insidious cells and tissues that could harm the effective functioning of the body. Inflammation, pain, nausea, fatigue, indigestion, malabsorption, sleeplessness are some of the key ailments that this product can help address. This product can deliver a powerful “Entourage Effect” which is the key benefit of using full-spectrum extracts of multiple herbs wherein the thousands of active compounds as a whole is able to suppress the ill effects and amplify the positive effects of the individual compounds, a remarkable phenomenon which is not possible with a couple of synthetic or API compounds.

DISCLAIMER: Above descriptions are only for information purposes and not to be used for self-diagnosis.

AYURVEDIC MEDICINE: Natural, herbal, and non-GMO. No Preservatives, coloring agents, or artificial flavors.
USAGE: Please consult a physician for a prescription with the dosage that best suits your condition.
PRECAUTIONS & WARNINGS: Please avoid if pregnancy, menstruating, or Low BP.
SIDE EFFECT / DRUG INTERACTIONS: No known complications in the prescribed dosage.
STORAGE: Please keep the bottle always tightly closed and stored in a cool, dark, and dry place.
REFERENCE: Bruhad Nighantu Ratnakara, Vatavyadhi.
CAUTION: To be taken under medical supervision.
सावधान: चिकित्सकीय पर्यवेक्षण में ही लिया जाये।

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100ml, 15ml, 30ml, 50ml


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