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CBD Health Blog

Medical Cannabis in India

Medical Cannabis in India

IS MEDICAL CANNABIS LEGAL IN INDIA? The Central Government had earlier intimated to the Delhi High Court that the use of medical cannabis in India is not completely banned. This is because its medical and scientific use is allowed in India under the law. There were reports that Cannabinoids had helped in countering the impact […]

CBD Oil India


Extracted from the cannabis plant and then diluted with a carrier oil like coconut oil or hemp oil, CBD (Cannabidiol) oil contains two main substances – cannabidiol or CBD and delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. While CBD does not cause any form of high or intoxication, THC on the other hand causes a high due to […]

How to Use CBD?

How to Use CBD?

if you are here with a super judgemental mood and afraid of dilemmatic conclusions and also if digging deep into the topic then you are at the right place. This blog will not only help you to compare both the oils but will provide you some clear vision. While we begin, the basic brief of […]

Types of CBD Oil

Types of CBD Oil

CBD has been a bubbling topic of the medical industry. With enormous advances that it has made for the cure of various chronic diseases, it is almost on the path to making changes for humankind.  Provided it has its results and study based on its effectiveness. To begin further, CBD as you know it has […]

What are the benefits of CBD oil?

What are the benefits of CBD oil?

As we know it CBD has become the buzz that doesn’t seem to deplete in the coming years and here is a guide that states its advances. If you peep back into history ancient Greeks used these for medicinal uses and some did for spiritual too. The cannabidiol compound that is extracted from the cannabis […]

What is CBD Oil?

What is CBD Oil?

This blog is all about the CBDs. Nature knows the answers we just need to know how to extract! Here is the CBD, cannabidiol, found in the Cannabis plant. No doubt there is already a rush through your heart to read and think the word cannabis, marijuana plant (Cannabis Sativa) as we commonly call it. […]

CBD for Parkinson’s Disease

CBD for Parkinson’s Disease

No particular test exists to diagnose Parkinson’s sickness. Your physician skilled in fearful system situations (neurologist) will diagnose Parkinson’s sickness based totally on your medical records, an assessment of your signs and symptoms and signs and symptoms, and a neurological and bodily examination. This article is an effort to justify the following commonly asked questions: […]

How To Buy CBD Oil In India

How To Buy CBD Oil In India?

Here is a list of things you should do before making an online purchase for CBD Oil in India: Understand Legality Consumers still lack clarity about the rules and regulations for consuming CBD Oil in India. The legality of CBD products with low levels of THC needs to be understood by those purchasing them. Therefore, […]

CBD For Alzheimer's

CBD For Alzheimer’s

CBD FOR ALZHEIMER’S  People are always looking for a handy, prescription-based resource for ache, insomnia, tension, and different types of pain experienced due to ailments. In recent years, CBD has emerged as a hopeful therapy-all. Cannabidiol discovered in marijuana, typically referred to as CBD, has ended up a craze in recent years, with sales of […]

CBD For Epilepsy

CBD For Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological condition. In spite of the developing number of anti-seizure meds (ASMs), more than half of the patients with epilepsy experience constant seizures. Even after careful treatment, up to 25% of the patients undergo severe seizures and pain. This led to propel research on new ASMs, for example, cannabidiol (CBD). This article […]